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Mittwoch, 21. November 2012

Travel Grants for South African players


Diese Nachricht wurde Ihnen von boesian über Google Reader gesendet.


über World Chess Federation - FIDE von (Aysa Mondrunova) am 19.11.12

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As part of a programme of the FIDE Development Commission, FIDE provides travel grants to participate in the World Youth Championships in Maribor, Slovenia. The grants are awarded to those who attained results at their respective continental youth championships.

SA players Travel Grant

From left to right (front row): Noa Gardiner, Jacques Malan, Trevelyn Varden, Kriti Lalla, Tasnim Amra, Tiffany Darling, Cora Mak.
From left to right (back row): Matt Pon, Ignatius Leong (FIDE - General Secretary), Roland Bezuidenhout.




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