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Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2012

FIDE Women's Grand Prix in Kazan: Round 3


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via World Chess Federation - FIDE von (Baira Tsedenova) am 10.06.12


Four decisive games were played on the third day of Women Grand Prix tournament in Kazan. Alexandra Kosteniuk and Alisa Galliamova lost their games against Nadezhda Kosintseva and Viktorija Cmilyte accordingly. Viktorija Cmilyte could have played quiet variation but preferred to go into an extremely sharp middle-game and outplayed her opponent in complications. Alexandra Kosteniuk got quite comfortable position with Black but didn't play precisely and got into troubles in the rook ending. Former world champion desperately tried to find a draw but after 78 moves the longest game of the third round was over. Elina Danielian used inaccurate play of Betul Yildiz in the middle game and found an interesting plan which destroyed the position of her opponent. Hou Yifan recovered after the previous round and outplayed Tatiana Kosintseva with black. World champion found few exact moves in the opening and got sensible advantage.



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Round 2

The second day of  the fourth stage of FIDE Women Grand Prix in Kazan presented three resultative games. The biggest surprise became the victory of Turkish player Betul Yildiz over world champion Hou Yifan. Chinese player sacrificed a piece in a very complicated position and passed by the winning variation in time trouble. Betul used a mistake of her opponent and transferred the game into the winning ending.   Playing white Anna Muzychuk sacrificed a pawn in the game against Antoaneta Stefanova and in the sharp position managed to defeat former world champion. Viktorija Cmilyte got the position with a huge advantage playing with black against Alexandra Kosteniuk but missed good chances to win the game in the time trouble and even lost. Alisa Galliamova could have scored the second point today but didn't choose the exact move in the time trouble, playing against Tatiana Kosintseva. As a result, game finished in a draw. Two more games Katerina Lahno – Nadezhda Kosintseva, Elina Danielian – Humpy Koneru ended peacefully. After the second round three players Anna Muzychuk, Alisa Galliamova and Alexandra Kosteniuk share the first place with 1,5 points.



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Round 1

The first round of FIDE Women`s Grand Prix tournament in Kazan got under way on the 10th of June 2012. Before the start of the games FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the minister of youth, sport and tourism of RT Rafis Burganov and FIDE CEO Geoffrey Borg took part in the press conference devoted to the beginning of the fourth stage of FIDE Women Grand Prix. After the end of the press conference FIDE President Kirsan Iyumzhinov made the first symbolic move in the game between Humpy Koneru and Hou Yifan.

The opening round passed in a tense struggle, nevertheless first three games Viktorija Cmilyte  -  Katerina Lahno, Elina Danielian – Anna Muzychuk,  Humpy Koneru – Hou Yifan were drawn. After the first time control Alisa Galliamova managed to win against Betul Yildiz in a slightly better endgame. Long game between Antoaneta Stefanova and Nadezhda Kosintseva finished in favor of Bulgarian player. A very exciting struggle between Tatiana Kosintseva and Alexandra Kosteniuk finished in a draw.



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Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony of the 4th stage of FIDE Women's Grand Prix Series 2011-2012 took place in the assembly hall of the "Korston" Hotel in Kazan (Russia) on the 9th of June. 12 players from 9 countries will take part in the event among them World Champion Hou Yifan, former World Champions Alexandra Kosteniuk, Antoaneta Stefanova as well as current number three and four among women by rating Anna Muzychuk and Humpy Koneru. Four members of National Russian team, current Olympic Champions Tatiana Kosintseva, Nadezhda Kosintseva, Alexandra Kosteniuk, Alisa Galliamova will represent Russian Federation.

The event was attended by such honorable guests as 1st President of the Republic of Tatarstan, State Advisor of the Republic of Tatarstan, Senior Advisor to the FIDE President Mr. M. Shaimiev, the Chief Executive Officer of FIDE Mr. G. Borg, Assistant to the FIDE President Mr. B. Balgabaev and others.



Photos by Anastasiya Karlovich

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