Schach Praline 3

Schach Praline 3
Kann Weiß gewinnen ??? WIE ?

Freitag, 2. März 2012

Events Commission announcement


Diese Nachricht wurde Ihnen von boesian via Google Reader gesendet.


via World Chess Federation - FIDE von (Aysa Mondrunova) am 27.02.12


The 2011 Krakow Executive Board and 2012 Q1 Al Ain Presidential Board confirmed the proposals of the Events Commission for events which will be held from 1 January 2014 will be governed by the following regulations:-

1. General Regulations for FIDE Competitions
2. World Junior Championships
3. World Schools Championships
4. World Senior Championships
5. World Amateur Championships
6. World Youth U16 Olympiad
7. World Cities Championship (from 2012)
8. World Youth Championships (from 2016)
9. World Children Championships (from 2016)

Ignatius Leong
FIDE General Secretary
Chairman, Events Commission




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