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Dienstag, 19. Juli 2011

FIDE President at the closing of Campomanes Memorial in Yangon


Diese Nachricht wurde Ihnen von boesian via Google Reader gesendet.


via World Chess Federation - FIDE von (Aysa Mondrunova) am 12.07.11


FIDE President arrived with the working visit to Myanmar where in Yangon he took part in the closing ceremony of the Campomanes Memorial Yangon International Open 2011.
130 players from 12 countries participated in this tournament held for the second time, the main sponsor of which is FIDE President. The meetings with Myanmar officials are planned during this visit.

President of Myanmar CF Maung Maung Lwin, the Prime Minister of Yangon region Lt General (Rtd.) U Myint Swe, FIDE President

FIDE President is delivering his speech at the closing ceremony

Prime Minister of Yangon region Lt General (Rtd.) U Myint Swe, FIDE President, President of Myanmar CF Maung Maung Lwin and top-10 of the tournament

FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and the winner IM Oliver Barbosa from Philippines







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