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Sonntag, 29. April 2012

„Seine Energie ist wie Dynamit“


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via SCHACH - TICKER von admin am 27.04.12

Kasparow begeistert EU-Parlamentarier für Schach an Schulen
Von Hartmut Metz (Foto)

Energie wie Dynamit" hat Großmeister Helmut Pfleger eine seiner beliebten Schach-Kolumnen im „Zeit"-Magazin überschrieben. Bezogen hat der Münchner Psychiater diese auf Garri Kasparow. Die Leichtigkeit und der Humor fehlten dem Russen völlig. Pfleger beschreibt auch in seinem vortrefflichen Buch „Schach-Zeit-Knaller" (Edition Olms, 16,80 Euro), wie Kasparow eher „nebensächliche Simultanveranstaltungen todernst nimmt" und sich selbst „in Hannover gegen Petra Schürmann, eine Amateurin reinsten Wassers, so reinkniete, als ob es um sein Leben ginge, und er außer sich vor Wut war, als er bei diesem Simultanspiel eine Partie verlor". Dr. Pfleger diagnostiziert: „Garri Kasparow macht alles hundertprozentig" und verweist darauf, was die Mutter des früheren Weltmeisters, Klara, an ihrem Söhnchen am meisten schätzt: „Seine Energie ist wie Dynamit!"
Deshalb kann der 49-Jährige bis heute nicht ruhen und versucht, der Nabel der Welt zu sein – bei irgendetwas. Und braucht Kasparow wieder einmal ein Erfolgserlebnis, widmet sich der 2005 als Weltranglistenerster zurückgetretene Großmeister der alten Liebe. Denn bei seinem Denksport hat der vielleicht beste Spieler aller Zeiten neben Bobby Fischer noch immer glühende Bewunderer. Für Aufsehen sorgte seine Zusammenarbeit mit dem Amerikaner Hikaru Nakamura. Oder die mit Magnus Carlsen – aber diese blieben von kurzer Dauer, weil sich der Heißsporn mit anderen

Herangehensweisen überhaupt nicht anfreunden kann. Entsprechend ordnete Kasparow in einem Interview kurz vor seinem 49. Geburtstag am 13. April ein, der norwegische Weltranglistenerste Carlsen sei zwar „ein Stern erster Größenordnung", aber der 21-Jährige käme lange nicht an seine oder Fischers Leistungen heran. Dem Vernehmen nach widmet sich der frühere Eröffnungs-Theoriepapst jetzt dem „Informator". Als Mitarbeiter könnte der Ex-Weltmeister der ehemaligen Theoriebibel zu neuem Glanz verhelfen, der seit Einführung der Computer-Datenbanken merklich verblasste.
Positiv zuschreiben kann man dem „Ungeheuer von Baku" den unermüdlichen Einsatz für die Promotion des königlichen Spiels. In Straßburg unterstützte die Legende die Initiative der Europäischen Schachunion (ECU), das Denkspiel als Fach in die Schulen zu bringen. 415 und damit mehr als die Hälfte der erforderlichen 754 EU-Parlamentarier unterschrieben die Erklärung.
Für seine Stiftung, die Schulen Schachspiele zur Verfügung stellt und Kurse gibt, bekommt Kasparow die Martin-Buber-Plakette 2012 verliehen. Die deutsch-niederländische Auszeichnung ist nach dem Philosophen Martin Buber (1878-1965) benannt. Bisherige Preisträger seit 2002 sind Altkanzler Helmut Schmidt und der ehemalige sowjetische Präsident Michail Gorbatschow. Daniel Cohn-Bendit, der Fraktionsvorsitzende der Grünen, hält am 16. November im EU-Parlament die Laudatio. Sicher wird dann auch Kasparows furchtloser Kampf in Russland gegen Wladimir Putin gewürdigt. Der Oppositionelle findet zwar in der Heimat wenig Gehör, lässt aber nicht nach in seinem Kampf gegen die Staatsmacht.

Im Schach fallen Kasparow Siege noch immer am leichtesten. Nachstehend eine prächtige Mattkombination aus einem Simultan in Marrakesch gegen Morad Cherigui.




Samstag, 28. April 2012

Meeting with M. Gorbachev and His Holiness Dalai Lama the 14th


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via World Chess Federation - FIDE von (Aysa Mondrunova) am 28.04.12


In Chicago the FIDE President met with Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev and His Holiness Dalai Lama the 14th. The meeting was held in a very friendly and warm atmosphere where Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev was also present. He highly appreciated the work of Mr. Ilyumzhinov.

"Our young friend Kirsan has decided to take under control the whole world. He has found ways that are more just and more humane and that help the intellectual development of people. No one did more than he did. He did one mistake that he beats me in chess", said Mr. Gorbachev.

His Holiness Dalai Lama the 14th noted that Gorbachev is the only person who made a great contribution to the changing of the world. And Mr. Gorbachev added that they had done it together, someone contributed more, someone less, someone a lot, but all of us need humility.

Mr. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov invited His Holiness Dalai Lama the 14th to visit the biggest Buddhist temple in Europe (Elista, Republic of Kalmykia), the only one temple with seventeen statues - teachers of Buddha.







Freitag, 27. April 2012

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov to lead a Coordinating Committee


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via World Chess Federation - FIDE von (Aysa Mondrunova) am 27.04.12


Kirsan Ilyumzhinov to lead a Coordinating Committee of the Permanent Secretariat of the Nobel Peace Laureates Summits

According to the information provided by the FIDE President's Assistant, Director of the representation office of this international organization to Russia, Mr. B. Balgabaev, the first President of the Republic of Kalmykia, FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov was offered a position of the head of the Coordinating Committee of the Permanent Secretariat of Nobel Peace Laureates Summits.

Mr. Balgabaev said that this was the initiative of the Summit's participants, including the Nobel Peace Laureates. Consultations on this issue are being held right now.


The Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates is an annual event and gathers prominent political, religious and public figures as well as world show-biz stars. The Permanent Secretariat Headquarters is in Rome.

The Nobel Peace Prize is part of the annual international Nobel prizes. It is awarded since 1901 and to date is the most famous and prestigious international award in the sphere of social, political and humanitarian activities. The Peace Prize includes a winner's diploma, a medal and a money cheque. The amount of the prize varies depending on the Nobel Foundation income.

The Nobel Peace Prize winners are:
His Holiness the Dalai Lama 14th, ex-President of Poland, Lech Wałęsa, USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev, a US religious figure Martin Luther King, a US politologist and state figure Henry Kissinger, Mother Teresa of Albania, ex-US President Jimmy Carter, incumbent US President Barack Obama, 7th UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, an Academician Andrei Sakharov etc.




FIDE President's working meetings in Chicago


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via World Chess Federation - FIDE von (Aysa Mondrunova) am 26.04.12


Yesterday was the final day of the 12th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates where the FIDE President was taking part at the invitation of Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev, patron of Chess in Schools programme. His visit to Chicago turned out to be very productive; Mr. Ilyumzhinov met with many prominent political, religious and public figures such as Mr. Frederic Willem de Klerk, former President of South Africa, Messrs. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, former US Presidents, Mr. Lech Wałęsa, former President of Poland, Mr. Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago, Mr. Pat Quinn, Governor of Illinois, 2006 Nobel Peace Laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladeshi economist and founder of the Grameen Bank, an institution that provides microcredit, and many other famous people.


Mr. Ikyunzhinov with 2006 Nobel Peace Laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus

Fruitful discussions took place with His Holiness Dalai-Lama the 14th and Mr. Gorbachev. The latter said that he wanted to promote chess and noted a great role of this game in the educational process. Mr. Ilyumzhinov and patron of CIS programme discussed the possibility of mutual cooperation between FIDE and summit in promoting a peace and democracy. 


With the patron of the Chess in Schools programme Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev



His Holiness Dalai-Lama the 14th and Mr. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov

His Holiness Dalai-Lama the 14th highly appreciated the FIDE President's work in the development of Buddhism and chess as well. They spoke about the bilateral cooperation between FIDE and the Government of Tibet and agreed to continue the discussion during the President's visit to Tibet in May.


Mr. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, His Holiness Dalai-Lama the 14th, Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev, Mr. Songay Lobsang


Mr. Songay Lobsang, Tibet's Prime Minister, and FIDE President 


FIDE President with Mr. Songay Lobsang and 1997 Nobel Peace Laureate Prof. Jody Williams


With an American film director and Oscar winner Mr. Oliver Stone

Another remarkable meeting was with Mr. Oliver Stone, an American film director, producer and screen writer who directed such movies as Platoon, Alexander, World Trade Center, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps and others. Messrs. Stone and Ilyumzhinov discussed the role of cinema in a struggle for peace, the younger generation and the influence of chess on this process.


Mr. Sean Penn and FIDE President

It should be noted that an Oscar-winning actor Sean Penn received a 2012 Peace Summit Award for his work to rebuild and aid the victims of the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti. The award was presented by Mr. Gorbachev.



With former US President Bill Clinton

With former US Presidents Messrs. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton the FIDE President spoke about the chess development in the country, possibility of recognition of chess as a sport and the role of chess in the educational process.


With Ms. Kerry Kennedy, President of Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights

With Ms. Kerry Kennedy, President of Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights, the FIDE President discussed the possibility of using of chess in one the RFK Center programmes. Ms. Kennedy expressed a great interest in this matter.


FIDE President with Mr. Lech Wałęsa, former President of Poland

Another summit laureate who expressed his willingness and intention to support chess among children was the former President of Poland Mr. Lech Wałęsa who actively follows the chess events.



During his visit to Chicago the FIDE President met with the Cook County Sheriff Mr. Thomas Dart and Mrs. Joellen Balley, his assistant. Cook County is the second county in the USA by population, there are more than 6 million people. It includes the city of Chicago and surrounding suburbs as well as the largest prison in the United States. Nearly 11,000 prisoners serve a sentence there. The issues of the social rehabilitation of the former prisoners, their leisure organization, introduction of chess education in the penitentiary institutions and other issues of possible mutual cooperation were discussed at the meeting. It was decided to organize a chess tournament between prisoners, including a national championship among the convicts. FIDE President appealed to sheriff to help in organizing a chess club in the county where the released could continue their mastering in chess.




Also the FIDE President visited the chess club headed by IO, IA Sevan Muradian and participated in the Blitz Tournament.






Playing in Blitz tournament







Dienstag, 24. April 2012

FIDE President at 12th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates


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via World Chess Federation - FIDE von (Aysa Mondrunova) am 24.04.12


On April 23rd, 2012, the FIDE President arrived in the USA where at the invitation of Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev, patron of the Chess in Schools programme, Mr. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov is taking part in the 12th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates. The summit is held in the University of Illinois at Chicago. On Monday Mr. Ilyumzhinov attended a dinner with laureates where the main speaker was the former US President Jimmy Carter. It is worth to mention that this summit is attended by five former heads of states who have received this honorable award. Together with Messrs. Mikhail Gorbachev and Jimmy Carter, these are Mr. Lech Wałęsa, former President of Poland, Mr. Oscar Arias Sanchez, former President of Costa Rica, Mr. Frederic Willem de Klerk, former President of South Africa as well as His Holiness Dalai-Lama the 14th.

The UN is also well represented by its various divisions, such as UNICEF, international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, academics, representatives of government and humanitarian institutions, teachers and students. The US President Mr. Barak Obama addressed the participants with a recorded video message at the first plenary session. Among other speakers who shared their thoughts about the rights and freedom were Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev, Mr. Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago, Mr. Pat Quinn, Governor of Illinois, Mr. Walter Petroni, co-Chairman of Summit, Mr. Kerry Kennedy, President of Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights, Mr. Robert Gallucci, President of the MacArthur Foundation.

The FIDE President had a detailed discussion with the former South African President Frederic Willem de Klerk. Mr. Ilyumzhinov has shared his impressions about his trip to the South Africa where he attended the Junior Chess Championships and invited Mr. Frederic Willem de Klerk to be a guest of honor of the World Youth Championships which will be held in South Africa in 2014.


South African President Mr. Frederic Willem de Klerk and Kirsan Ilyumzhinov at a dinner


Former US President Mr. Jimmy Carter and FIDE President

Mr. Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago, delivering a speech


The US President Mr. Barak Obama addressing the participants with a recorded video message


Nobel Peace Laureates




FIDE World Amateur Chess Championship 2012 crowns new champions


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via World Chess Federation - FIDE von (Anton Mihailov) am 23.04.12


The FIDE World Amateur Chess Championship 2012 was held in the 5-star Porto Carras Grand Resort in Halkidiki, Northern Greece from 16 April (1st round) to 22 April (9th round).

Haralambos Tsakiris from Kavala, Greece, won his last round direct encounter to claim the title of FIDE World Amateur Champion. The win gives Tskiris the title of FIDE master and a rating of 2200.

Second place is for Akinci Muzaffer Ege (Turkey) who gets the Silver Medal and will be awarded a rating of 2100.

Johannesson Oliver (Iceland), Manelidis Savvas, Kafetzis Georgios (both Greece) and Reyes Rios Juan Camilo (Colombia) share the 3rd place with 7.0 points each. Johannesson is best on tie-breaks and takes the Bronze Medal and a rating of 2050.

Laura Perez from Colombia scored four consecutive victories in the final rounds to finish with a total of 6.5 points and win the title of the Women's World Amateur Champion. She will be awarded the title of Woman FIDE Master and a rating of 2050.
Silver Medal is for Torill Skytte (Norway) and Bronze is for Olga Benavides Moncayo (Colombia)

All winners section by section here 

Official website / Final Standings / photo gallery


The FIDE World Amateur Champion Haralambos Tsakiris receiving the trophy

Laura Perez, World Amateur Chess Champion 2012

In the last round of the parallel Alexander the Great Open the top two boards were drawn and eventually four Grandmasters shared the first place with 6.5 points each – Kivanc Haznedaroglu from Turkey, Dejan Antic from Serbia, Athanasios Mastrovasilis from Greece and Petar Drenchev from Bulgaria.

Haznedaroglu, who held the sole lead until the 8th round loss to Antic, took the winner's trophy on best tie-break.

IM Rasmus Skytte from Denmark won in the last round and emerged clear 5th with 6.0 points.

Results round 9 / Final standings

GM Kivanc Haznedaroglu

GM Kivanc Haznedaroglu




FIDE President's working meetings in Kiev


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via World Chess Federation - FIDE von (Aysa Mondrunova) am 20.04.12


After Dnepropetrovsk the FIDE President visited the capital of the Ukraine where he had working meetings with the Minister for Family, Youth and Sports of Ukraine Mr Ravil Safiullin and the leadership of the Ukrainian Chess Federation.
At the meetings the issues of mutual cooperation including a bill for consideration by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "On the support of Chess in the Ukraine", as well as the implementation of Chess in Schools programme and a possibility of holding the top FIDE events such as World Chess Cup and Chess Olympiad in the country were discussed.
In Kiev Kirsan Ilyumzhinov met with a legendary sportsman Valery Borzov, IOC member since 1984, President of the Ukrainian NOC (1991-1998). Messrs. Borzov and Ilyumzhinov discussed the perspectives and a possible way of FIDE's entering in the Olympic family.


From left to right: Mr Berik Balgabaev, Director of Moscow FIDE office, Mr Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, FIDE President, Mr Oleg Savchuk, Head of the Geo Social Games project, Mr Valery Zhulev, Deputy Director of the Department of Youth Affairs and Communications, Mr Artemyev, Director of the Department of Youth Affairs and Communications, Mr Ravil Safiullin, Minister for Family, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Mr Viktor Kapustin, President of the Ukrainian CF, Mr Anatoly Yatsenko, President of the Ukrainian Draughts Federation




Meeting with leadership of the Ukrainian Chess Federation


Visiting of chess exhibition





