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Schach Praline 3
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Samstag, 21. Januar 2012

Interview mit dem Präsidenten des DSB


Diese Nachricht wurde Ihnen von boesian via Google Reader gesendet.


via SCHACH - TICKER von admin am 11.01.12

Am 09.01.2012 traf sich die Redaktion von DeepChess!!! Media mit dem DSB-Präsidenten Herbert Bastian zum ausführlichen Interview. In dem 30minütigen Video äußert sich der Internationale Meister zu den Themen Nationalmannschaft, Bundestrainer, Arkadij Naiditsch sowie über Entwicklungen und Ideen des deutschen Dachverbandes. Erfahren Sie, warum der Spielervertrag mit Naiditsch vorerst nicht verlängert wurde und wie die Chancen zu einem großen GM-Rundenturnier in Deutschland aussehen. Dieses Interview kommt nach den jüngsten Entwicklungen genau zum richtigen Zeitpunkt und zeigt unter anderem den aktuellen Standpunkt des Deutschen Schachbundes zum Thema Bundestrainer.




Bid Procedure for 2014 FIDE Events


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via World Chess Federation - FIDE von (Aysa Mondrunova) am 27.12.11




A. Open for Bids FIDE Events

A. World Junior Championship 2014

B. World Senior Championship 2014

C. World Amateur Championship 2014

D. World Youth U16 Olympiad 2014

E. World School Individual Championship 2014


B. Deadlines:

Deadline for the 2014 events is 1st March 2012

All bids to be submitted by the due dates in sealed envelopes to the FIDE Secretariat. 
Address: 9 Siggrou Avenue, Athens, Greece 11743

With effect from 1 January 2012, the following timelines shall be observed:-

·         1 March – Deadline for Bids

·         30  June – Completion of Inspection Visits

·         31 July – Deadline for submission of Evaluation Reports

·         General Assembly/Executive Board to Award successful bids.


C. Bid fees:

All bids for 2014  must be accompanied with a bid fee:

 2.000 Euro  – World Youth; 

 1.000 Euro  – World Junior; 

    500 Euro  – all other FIDE competitions

Bid Fees are not refundable. Bid fees should be paid the latest by 8st March 2012 to the FIDE bank account (free of charges) or to be enclosed in the bid envelope.

D. Deposit fees:

FIDE Congress (General Assembly/Executive Board):

10,000 Euro

Presidential Board Meeting:

  5,000 Euro

World Team Championship:

10,000 Euro

World Youth Under-8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 Championships (see also regulation 17):

30,000 Euro

World Junior Championship:

10,000 Euro

World Senior Championship:

10,000 Euro

World Rapid Championship:

10,000 Euro

World Amateur Championship:

  5,000 Euro

Deposit fees should be paid the latest one month after the official notification that a FIDE event granted to a National Federation.
Deposit fees can be paid to the FIDE Bank account or by a bank guarantee sent to FIDE without any terms. When the event has been successfully concluded the deposit fee shall be credited to the account of the organizing federation or refunded.

E. Inspections

Inspection Visits shall be made by an Event Inspector (EI) nominated by the Presidential Board (PB) and the EVE. Ideally, the EI shall be chosen from the same continent of the bidder.

The cost of  Inspection Visits – travel and per diem – shall be covered by FIDE. The bidder shall be responsible for hosting the EI with a double-room and meals for the duration of not more than two working days.





ACP and FIDE agreed on close cooperation


Diese Nachricht wurde Ihnen von boesian via Google Reader gesendet.


via World Chess Federation - FIDE von (Aysa Mondrunova) am 20.01.12


On Thursday January 19th, FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov met with the newly elected ACP President GM Emil Sutovsky. The meeting took place after preliminary talks between GM E. Sutovsky, FIDE Deputy President Mr. G. Makropoulos and FIDE Vice President Mr. I. Gelfer (all members of the FIDE Commission for the Olympiads and World Championships), in which several issues concerning the relationships between FIDE and the ACP were discussed.
Mr. Ilyumzhinov and GM Sutovsky agreed on the following mutual declaration:

Both parties are striving for a constant dialogue and cooperation regarding all issues, which concern the professional chess.

In this regard, the following points were agreed upon:

1.The ACP will be actively involved in the decision-making process within FIDE - The ACP President or his representative will be invited to all FIDE Presidential Board meetings. Additionally, the ACP will be represented in the following commissions of FIDE: World Championships and Olympiads, Modernization, Qualification, Ethics and Rules.

2.The ACP, having a comprehensive information about all major events in the chess world, will build a Calendar for all official events. This Calendar shall be approved by FIDE.

3.The ACP will participate in the process of choosing arbiters for the Olympiads.The shortlist of International Arbiters - members of the ACP will be submitted, and FIDE will appoint 10 arbiters from this list.

4.The ACP gets the right to organize 2012 ACP World Rapid Cup, 2012 Women's World Rapid Championship and 2012 World Internet Championships/Cup. In case the ACP intends to organize such events in the future, they will have to get an approval from FIDE for using the "World" title.

5.One of the FIDE President nominees for the 2013 World Cup will be the highest ranked player of the ACP Tour 2012, who is not qualified by other way (Elo, Continentals, etc...)

6.For the next World Championship cycle (2013-2014), the winner of the ACP Tour, in the year, preceding the Candidates' Competition will be included as one of the eight participants of the Candidates' Competition.

In addition, the question of introducing new Grandmaster title was discussed, and the ACP will conduct a survey in this regard.









Who will win Tata Steel Group A?


Diese Nachricht wurde Ihnen von boesian via Google Reader gesendet.


Who's the favorite to win 2012 Tata Steel A? Can Nakamura repeat his performance last year?

Magnus Carlsen
Levon Aronian
Sergey Karjakin
Veselin Topalov
Vasily Ivanchuk
Vugar Gashimov
Gata Kamsky
Hikaru Nakamura
Teymour Radjabov
Boris Gelfand
Anish Giri
Fabiano Caruana
David Navara
Loek van Wely
Chess daily news from Susan Polgar




ACP and FIDE agreed on close cooperation


Diese Nachricht wurde Ihnen von boesian via Google Reader gesendet.


ACP and FIDE agreed on close cooperation
Friday, 20 January 2012 08:54

On Thursday January 19th, FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov met with the newly elected ACP President GM Emil Sutovsky. The meeting took place after preliminary talks between GM E. Sutovsky, FIDE Deputy President Mr. G. Makropoulos and FIDE Vice President Mr. I. Gelfer (all members of the FIDE Commission for the Olympiads and World Championships), in which several issues concerning the relationships between FIDE and the ACP were discussed.
Mr. Ilyumzhinov and GM Sutovsky agreed on the following mutual declaration:

Both parties are striving for a constant dialogue and cooperation regarding all issues, which concern the professional chess.

In this regard, the following points were agreed upon:

1. The ACP will be actively involved in the decision-making process within FIDE - The ACP President or his representative will be invited to all FIDE Presidential Board meetings. Additionally, the ACP will be represented in the following commissions of FIDE: World Championships and Olympiads, Modernization, Qualification, Ethics and Rules.

2. The ACP, having a comprehensive information about all major events in the chess world, will build a Calendar for all official events. This Calendar shall be approved by FIDE.

3. The ACP will participate in the process of choosing arbiters for the Olympiads.The shortlist of International Arbiters - members of the ACP will be submitted, and FIDE will appoint 10 arbiters from this list.

4. The ACP gets the right to organize 2012 ACP World Rapid Cup, 2012 Women's World Rapid Championship and 2012 World Internet Championships/Cup. In case the ACP intends to organize such events in the future, they will have to get an approval from FIDE for using the "World" title.

5. One of the FIDE President nominees for the 2013 World Cup will be the highest ranked player of the ACP Tour 2012, who is not qualified by other way (Elo, Continentals, etc...)

6. For the next World Championship cycle (2013-2014), the winner of the ACP Tour, in the year, preceding the Candidates' Competition will be included as one of the eight participants of the Candidates' Competition.

In addition, the question of introducing new Grandmaster title was discussed, and the ACP will conduct a survey in this regard.
Chess daily news from Susan Polgar




Mittwoch, 11. Januar 2012

54th Reggio Emilia Tournament


Diese Nachricht wurde Ihnen von boesian via Google Reader gesendet.


Anish Giri
54th Reggio Emilia Tournament - Wrap up report
by Martha Fierro

What a thrilling finish of the 54th Reggio Emilia tournament! As both leaders, Nakamura and Morozevich, were defeated in the last round, the talented Dutch Anish Giri sprints in the final yards to claim a clear first place with 16 points.

Giri concluded the first leg of the tournament, played in 2011, with only five points, but then the New Year started beautifully as he scored another three wins and two draws to finish with 16 points.

Hikaru Nakamura seemed unstoppable as he grabbed the 4-points advantage after the 7th round. But then something incredible happened as Nakamura caught the "Ivanchuk virus" and lost the last three games. Not only that Giri overtook him in the standings, but also Morozevich and Fabiano Caruana collected 15 points each to share the 2nd place.

Vassily Ivanchuk woke up after the horrible row of four losses and right on time to trip Nakamura. At the same time the last-placed Nikita Vitiugov won against the then co-leader Alexander Morozevich.

Many decides games and upheavals will mark a memorable event in Reggio Emilia.

The tournament was organized by Circolo Ippogrifo di Reggio Emilia, in collaboration with Accademia Internazionale di Scacchi and Scacchi Randagi.

Photos by Martha Fierro

Photo gallery

Replay the games with computer analysis

Official website

Sopiko Guramishvili

Final standings, men (3 points for a win, 1 for a draw):

1. Giri Anish 2714 NED – 16
2-4. Nakamura Hikaru 2758 USA, Morozevich Alexander 2762 RUS and Caruana Fabiano 2727 ITA – 15
5. Ivanchuk Vassily 2775 UKR – 12
6. Vitiugov Nikita 2729 RUS – 8

Final standings, women (regular scoring):

1. Sopiko Guramishvili – 8.0
2. Anna Sharevich – 7.0
3. Marina Brunello – 6.5
4. Iva Videnova – 3.5
5. Maria De Rosa – 3.0
6. Marianna Chierici – 2.0
Chess daily news from Susan Polgar

